Horst Väth 1996

Horst Väth

Areas of Research
My main field of research is three-dimensional radiative transfer, i.e., the calculation of light curves and spectra of systems that do not have special symmetries, like stars, which reduce the problem to one of one spatial dimension. It was part of my Ph.D. thesis to write programs that solve this problem on the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) parallel computer MasPar MP-1, which contains 8192 or 16384 processors depending on its configuration. These codes can be applied to a variety of problems. For one, I have used these codes in order to calculate the 21 cm line profiles of galaxies and how the appearance of a galaxy changes as one views it from different directions. This work was done in collaboration with Joel Tohline, Howard Cohl and Kimberly New. We have incorporated the main results of this work in a video of a flyby around a galaxy. In addition, I have investigated cyclotron emission from magnetic cataclysmic variables together with Juhan Frank and Ganesh Chanmugam. Thereby, I have also examined the properties of cyclotron emission of a plasma at high temperatures. It is this latter area of magnetic cataclysmic variables in which I am currently most active. For this work, I have ported the necessary codes onto the single program multiple data (SPMD) computer Cray T3D. Recently, I started to work together with Detlev Koester on the field of variable white dwarfs. Aim of this work is to model the time-resolved spectra of those stars and to consistently include non-linear effects. In this field we collaborate with S. O. Kepler and E. L. Robinson, who provided us with time-resolved spectra of the star G 226-29 obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope.

List of Publications

Other sites of interest
Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik der Universität, Kiel
Department of Physics and Atronomy, Louisiana State University

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